Sunday, June 24, 2007

What You Talkin' Bout Willis??

How can I resist this cheeky grin?

How can I resist these eyes?

I have been bad and I have been good. On Friday I walked twice for 45 minutes each time. Then I was a willing participant in the overindulgence of two bottles of coruba!! do da coruba!!!

Then I ate shit yesterday, well not literally shit because that would be bloody gross. I ate BK and I ate other gluten shit.

I have found a jukebox guy that will deliver a 50CD jukebox to Mt Potts, set it up and come back again the next day and pick it back up and it is costing me $250 all inclusive. WTF?? How can the dude be making any pingas?? He will have to do a total of about 10hours travel all up??

I haven't had much time to catch up on everyone but will be there soon to see how you all are. Thanks for all the advice.

I am going to start a competition soon with a fair dinkum prize at the end of it. It will require some wit and forethought on your behalf so keep yourself tuned in.


Unknown said...

Ohhh look at your lovelies!! they are gorgeous!

how is the jukebox man making money? do the guests need to pay for songs? otherwise I cant work it out!

Chris H said...

Ohhhhh your wee girls are soooo gorgeous! Phoebe's eyes are just drop dead amazing! You are a lucky tart... well for now anyway, just you wait till they are teenagers....

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Absolute sweeties...
Bummer about you cutting up that bloody dress.... arghhhhh
Hope all plans are going smoothly...

Christine said...

Those eyes are just a dream!

Anne said...

Borth gorgeous little girls!! The eyes are beautiful - lock her up now!!!!