Thursday, April 05, 2007

Week 9 Weigh In

Start Weight: 106.4kg
Week Nine: 105.0 kg
Loss/Gain: 200g
Lost so far: 1.4kg
Kgs to Goal: 45kg

Weight Loss Legend Extraordinaire Loses 1.4kg in Nine Weeks!! You can just see the heading in the Women's Weekly with a picture of my grinning in a bikini, can't ya??

I suppose it is at least coming down slowly but surely. I have 2.4kg to go to reach virgin fat.

I have Phoebe's 2nd birthday tomorrow. The little tike has been driving me up the wall so have offloaded her to Mum and Dad for the day and am supposed to be sorting the house out for tomorrow's "party" and doing the "moo moo" cake (see example below) and making the chocolate crackles, etc etc.

I need to go shopping for bits and bobs, her birthday present, (still don't bloody know what I am getting, she's got enough toys to sink the Titanic), get Ben's rugby socks and rugby shorts (bloody Under 8's have a game on Easter Saturday) and a plethora of other tasks. Need to clean the fridge, can't have visitors here and see the science experiments I have going on in there! Funny thing, I have been a bit of a lazy tart since being diagnosed with the depression again. Keep thinking I can use the fragile state of my mental health to sit around on my gluteus maximus and read blogs all day instead of doing my housework. I need to dye my hair, bought a hairdye over a month ago and haven't used it yet. Hair hasn't been cut, let alone trimmed since end of July last year and last time I dyed it was Xmas Day!! Blair told me the other day that my greys were sexy and made me look like a "witchy" sort of hippy chic. Whatever!! Got to admire the effort he puts into trying to compliment me. He told me I was a truly beautiful woman the other day. That is bloody hard to take.


Ultimate Health Key No 2:

Give Your Body Water

Body is approx 70% water so it figures that we need it to be operating at optimum potential.

Even mild dehydration (the state most of us walk around in each day) can cause problems with an array of symptoms such as headache, fatigue, loss of appetite, heat intolerance, light headedness and dry mouth and eyes. Low fluid intake increases you chance of getting cancer. One study found that women consuming five or more glasses of water per day had about half the risk of developing cancer of the colon compared with women consuming two or fewer glases of water a day.
For average day to day needs, we should all aim to consume about 30mls of water for each kg of body weight (or 2.2pds). A 70kg adult should drink 2.1 litres (2100mls) a day and a 100kg adult would need 3 litres a day as a minimum.

The key to drinking water each day to required amounts, is to keep it around. Have a bottle in the car, your handbag, on the bench, on the coffee table. You are more likely to drink it if you can see it.


Anonymous said...

Ooooh, let us know how the moo-moo cake works out! I love that! (and pictures too?)

I have an ancient Woman's weekly birthday cake book that my mum gave me - every year, we'd choose a cake for our birthday and my mummy would make it.


*starts singing "memories" totally offkey*

Chris H said...

You are a bloody beautiful woman Jules, inside and out, so don't go putting yourself down..... grey hair and all... and we all have those mate! You have a fantastic time this weekend, want to see the cake... if you can get off ya arse and make it that is! oops , I mean your gluteus maximus....

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Ohhh i used to love making novalty cakes.. i give the kids the book and let them pick...
Have had some rippers...
Hope it all turns out well for you...
Ty for replying to my plea for help..
Kids really do drive you insane sometimes...

KatieP said...

So ... mild dehydration causes loss of appetite -- how is that a bad thing? LOL
K xxx

Jaxx said...

Have to agree about the water, I don't drink nearly enough of it....

Hey have a wonderful weekend

Jaxx (Hippygal)

Sandra said...

I'm drinking at least 4 litres a day on my new regime. Feeling good too!

Tania said...

OMG!!! I remember when I first started reading your blog regularly when you were about to have Phoebe - surely she can't be 2 already? They really do grow up so fast - hope the party goes off well and mum gets to relax and enjoy herself even just a little bit.

Chris H said...

And I bet you did it all and had a fantastic Day too! Waiting for the pics!

**Mellisa** said...

ummm.... Chris .... I don't have grey hairs so ....ummmm..... speak for youself!! lol ...... ((pissing myself laughing ... again!!))

Lyn said...

A personally made birthday cake??? Wow a super mum!!!

As for me ... the best I do is a decorated icecream cake. (considering my mum was a professional cake decorater I guess that's pretty bad)

Go super mum!!!

Jenn said...

Cute cake!!

Anonymous said...

Love the look of the cake so cute!!

thanks for the info on water!! i need to get into water again!! make it my friend rather than diet coke!!

have a good one!!

Sue said...

Hope the party went well!
And remember - people come to see YOU, not judge your housekeeping abilities!